Based on the success of the cupola furnace application for oxygen, the process was further developed for the blast furnace through extensive research and development work. The first full scale SIP plant has been in operation at the Schwelgern 1 blast furnace at thyssenkrupp Steel Europe in Duisburg since 2020. The operating results show significant process improvements.
Main Advantages of the SIP Process:
Improved gas flow through the furnace
Better flow behaviour of iron and slag
Lower thermal load for tuyere and refractory material
Optimised gas utilisation (eta CO)
Increase in the use of injection coal
Reduction in the use of metallurgical coke
Reduction in the overall consumption of reducing agents
Reduction in CO₂ emissions
Reduction in operating costs
Short amortisation period (ROI)
The SIP process for the blast furnace is marketed worldwide by our cooperation partner Primetals Technologies Ltd.
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